
OMIG, Abstract 7
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Ocular Rhinosporidiosis as a Cause of Chronc Follicular Conjunctivitis.
Leejee H. Suh, Sander R. Dubovy, Joseph Barron, Jack Fell, Dolena R. Ledee, Livia Bajenaru, & Richard K. Forster.
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Miami, FL
Purpose: To present a case of ocular rhinosporidiosis in a child presenting with a chronic follicular conjunctivitis after a history of swimming in bayou water with soft contact lenses.
Methods: Case report, excisional biopsy, cryotherapy, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, electron microscopy.
Results: A 14 year old male presented with chronic follicular conjunctivitis with unilateral fleshy pedunculated lesions with a “strawberry” appearance in his palpebral conjunctiva. The past ocular history was significant for soft contact lens wear while swimming in bayou water. Excisional biopsy showed multiple large hyalinized PAS positive ring-like sporangia, some empty with central nuclear remnants and others full of spore organisms, and a lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate. A diagnosis of rhinosporidiosis was made. Concurrent cryotherapy was performed with the excisional biopsy. An otolaryngologic evaluation showed small polyps in the nasopharynx thought to be within normal limits. Tissue specimens were sent for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis and electron microscopy. PCR analysis confirmed the diagnosis of Rhinosporidium seeberi. The species of Rhinosporidium seeberi was specific for a canine isolate.
Conclusions: We herein report a case of ocular rhinosporidiosis in a child with chronic follicular conjunctivitis. This is the first report of a canine-specific Rhinosporidium seeberi isolate causing infection in humans.
Disclosure code: N
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